Sunday, August 9, 2009

Day 5 Janesville, WI

Well, as so often happens, when I am about to give up, I finally find what I want. The Historical society in Geneva did not have anything but they called Aurora for me and they did, so drove 8 miles to Aurora and checked out their goodies, then headed north.

Got as far as Kirkland, pulled onto a side road and found a wide, level spot near a copse of trees, so I could be completely off the country road. It had rained nearly all day from 10 a.m., with downpours from 2:30 to 5:30, so I was just happy to find a place and happy the rain had stopped. Very little traffic on this road, big farms in the distance in all directions. The fire-flies were Huge! Congratulating myself on having found a good place to spend the night, I climbed out of the car in the morning to find a "NO Parking" six feet behind my car! LOL. Evidently others have found this neat place to park in the past.

Now I'm in Janesville and it is a lovely town and has a nice big library on the banks of the Rock River (which is channeled between walls here)and I can park free in the lot behind the library and enjoy the breeze and the ducks on the water and the shade of the trees.

Town also has a nice city park with lots of trails, rest rooms, picnic areas, etc. and believe it or not, it is open 5 a.m. to 11 p.m.! I spent most of my morning there reading, relaxing, writing. Tomorrow I should finish up my business in Janesville and head north to Milton.


  1. Hi Mom! Wow! you are making tracks! Wisconsin already! Barry's B-day today. We went to the Akron Art Museum to see the Wegman exhibit (photos of Weimereiners, don't you know). And we ate at a mexican restaurant for dinner, to round out the day. Happy Trails! Love, Amy

  2. Hi Mom! I've been so wound up in my own stuff, lately, that I forgot to check your blog until today (8/12)!
    Surgery is tomorrow. Spent the last two days "nesting", cleaning the living room and clearing up stuff at work.
    Hope you steered clear of all the electrical storms we've had lately, though you probably drove through them earlier in the week.
    Are you still in Wisconsin?
    Love, Kathy
