Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Day 22 Owatonna, MN

Had a really nice (and expensive) campsite last night that I found on the edge of Owatonna. I knew it was going to cost me but the thought of a hot shower in a nice facility made me throw caution to the winds. It was worth it. Once in a while.

Every office in every community is different. I never know what kind of reception I will get. Some clerks say come on in, here's what we've got, help yourself. In other places, they kind of begrudge your interruption. I try to be as sensitive as I can to their work needs, stay out of the way, wait for them to be free, etc. and usually that wins them over. In Illinois I had to fill out and sign a sheet in every office I entered and show ID. It varies. Some have special areas set up just for genealogists. In other places you have to find some small space to work often standing up.

Here in Owatonna, there does not seem to be a Genealogical Society. I tried the Historical Society, but mostly they have a museum and give tours. So after I got all I could from the courthouse, now I am at the library where again there is a wide difference in helpfulness. But I have most of the information I wanted and I am headed out to the Medford cemetery now. (This is where Fernando Douglass lived and where Earl Douglass, the man who discovered the dinosaur fossils was born)


  1. Cool--I love to hear about the dinosaur fossil guy! Nice to have a reminder of him, and where he's from.
    Love, Amy

  2. Hi Mom! Sounds like you're really slogging through the info sources out there in the mid-west. That campground sounds lovely. I hope the weather stays good for you as you continue north and west.
    Love, Kathy

  3. Thaks, Guys
    So far, so good. I don't think I am too far behind what I expected my schedule to be. After Minnesota, I'll do the western edge of Iowa and then at that point make a decision if I want to continue west. Love you, Mom

  4. Dinosaurs! Dinosaurs! Someone read me the dinosaur book! ;-)
