Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Where's The Popcorn?

Today I went driving for the first time since surgery. Amy and I went to the grocery store and to the drug store. We were gone about two hours total.

Actually driving without my glasses was a piece of cake. It’s the switching of glasses all the time that’s a pain in the neck. Once in the store I have to put on glasses. Then I couldn’t find the popcorn and I asked for help and the clerk took me to the correct aisle and said it’s just down there a little ways. It was in bulk foods, she said. There were at least 20 plastic dispensers for various bulk foods. I looked all the way down the aisle. Then I took my glasses off and I looked again and I still did not see popcorn. Later Amy looked and she agreed, there was no popcorn there. So I guess I got a bum steer. When we asked at the check-out counter, the clerk walked back to the snack aisle (where I had already been) and pulled a package off the very top shelf. I had been looking low, because that’s where it is in my grocery store. This time I was not “looking up” far enough.

Driving, I had no trouble at all. But when we got home, it was time for eye drops and after I put them in, I just laid there resting for another 45 minutes, not sleeping, just resting. So, since stamina may be an issue I am not keen on driving too far just yet. Normally I have no trouble doing 6 hours of driving a day.

I had a shower and washed my hair! To wash my hair was becoming a bigger and bigger need each day. I’m not supposed to get the eye wet. Amy and I discussed going to the beauty parlor just for a shampoo or having her help me wash it in a basin, or getting one of those Dry Shampoos from the drug store.  Finally I taped the shield on my eye with lots of sticky tape and using the hand held shower, leaned my head back while in the shower and just used a little shampoo and lots of warm water. It felt so-o good!  And the eye stayed perfectly dry.

That tape on my face, though, leaves the skin irritated, so I am using a  special Vitamin E lotion on my face every time I remove the tape and that helps take away the discomfort.

This housing development where Amy and Barry live backs up against a ravine and some woods that are only a couple blocks from their house. I enjoy watching the animals. There are several deer who wander among the houses and browse. Once when I was walking I saw a doe cropping grass on the tree lawn. She saw me and just kept eating until I was coming up about 12 feet from her. Then she raised her head and stared. When I got about 6 feet away, she moved out into the street a few feet, which caused the motorist behind me to slow down, but when I got to the corner and looked back, she had returned to the same patch of grass as before. In our backyard there is a young woodchuck, a couple squirrels, a family of chipmunks and a marmalade cat that walks along the back fence. And a huge oak tree that is beginning to drop its acorns; I hear them rattling down the roof when I’m going to sleep. Which is where I’m going now.

Be “seeing” you.

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