Thursday, August 14, 2014

Traveling again

I've decided to re-activate this blog to keep my family and friends abreast of my wanderings over the next few months.

On July 31st I had an appointment with eye specialist, Dr. Jonathan Lass, at University Hospital in Cleveland, Ohio. This meeting was to get his opinion on my eyesight problems and his recommended course of action.

I have Fuchs Distrophy, a condition of the cornea that results in a deterioration of the cell layer behind the cornea. This layer controls the passage of fluids back and forth through the cornea and if not working well can cause sight problems. My local ophthalmologist has been reluctant to remove my cataracts because any eye trauma risks making the Fuchs worse.

Dr. Lass recommended removing the cataract from my right eye, the worst one, and see what transpires. If the Fuchs does not significantly worsen (thicken the cornea) then he would remove the left cataract also. If the Fuchs does worsen, then he would recommend a partial cornea transplant. (Amazing! A partial transplant!) Dr. Lass has done considerable research re: Fuchs Distrophy and he is head of the Eye Bank in Cleveland. I feel that I will be in good experienced hands.

Surgery for removal of the first cataract is scheduled for August 20 and Dr. Lass will do the surgery himself. I have been home for a week but will be returning to Cleveland and will stay at my daughter, Amy's, during any procedures, so she can drive me to and from and help me with whatever, as she is always more than willing to do.

This morning I called the RN who had scheduled my appointment to ask when I would get prescriptions for the pre-surgery medications I will need. When the doctor's office had asked for my pharmacy, I told them I used CVS in Covington. I had heard nothing from the pharmacy to date. The RN called me back to tell me I should have received the prescriptions when I was at the doctor's office. She will call them in today. I double checked what was on the paper the doctor gave me, with her, because two of the medications had been crossed out and something else written in. (You know doctor's handwriting). Angela, the RN, had heard of both of the substituted medications so they are commonly used by Dr. Lass and she explained there will be three prescriptions in all, two pre-op and add another post-op.

Putting any eye drops in my eyes is not easy. Some of it always comes dribbling down my cheek. I suppose after I've done it several times a day, for days, practice will make perfect, right?

Be "seeing" you soon. I hope.

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