Saturday, August 16, 2014

Prescription needed

Yesterday I had not heard from the pharmacy by late afternoon, so I decided to extend my daily walk over to the pharmacy and inquire if they got the order from Dr. Lass' office. It was a lovely day for a walk, sunny and not too hot or humid.

At the pharmacy, I talked to the young pharmacist whom I had not seen before. As soon as I said Dr. Lass' name he said immediately, I know we got the order. I thanked him and started to turn away. He said, "Wait a minute; we had to order one of the medications; it should have come in today." So I waited about five minutes while he conferred with his assistant and the upshot was that they had two of the prescriptions, but not the third, and there would not be another delivery until Monday at 11:00. I had already told him I intended to leave for Cleveland Monday. I grinned and said, "I'll be here at one o'clock". He said "we'll have it ready for you".

So, reassured, I walked home and two hours later get a call from the pharmacy that my prescription order is ready. What? It was an automated call and I suspected that someone else had sent it because they had two prescriptions ready. Today I called the pharmacy to inquire and sure enough that is exactly what happened. They are still waiting for the third.

I had originally hoped to leave Monday morning for Cleveland, but will have to wait for that third prescription. Oh, well, that gives me some extra time to clean out the refrigerator and freezer. I'm not sure the freezer has really been cleaned out in a couple of years. There were a few items in there that I could no longer recognize. Then I took advantage of some grocery coupons to stock up on new things for the freezer so I would have some meals readily available when I return home next time. Just to make my grocery shopping easier as I don't know how well I will be seeing after surgery or how long it will be before I can return home again.

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